Found – An Old Friend

My wife, aka Racingtales, was up early this morning for a 5:30 run.  Little did she know that I was planning to run this morning also.  But after being kept up last night by torrential rain and thunder storms, I was in no mood to run and remained in bed….awake.

After she returned, I got ready for my run.  The rain had slowed down until I got to the door when it picked up again.  I don’t mind running in the rain… I actually enjoy it when it starts to rain during a hot summer run, but this was a downpour and I didn’t want to start in that. (Disclosure:  I run with my phone after an incident a few years ago when their was an accident in my house while I was out running and I returned to scene my neighbor described as “it just looks like a murder scene”.  Don’t want the phone damaged.)

So I waited a few minutes and the rain got heavier….really.  Knowing that I had morning meetings, I found my old friend, with whom I have a love/hate relationship:

Old Faithful--12+ years old!

Old Faithful–12+ years old!

Today was a good relationship day.  It was a nice change of pace that I actually enjoyed. We hung out together through about 4 miles and then it was on to the business of the day.

Until we meet again, my friend.

Happy 4th of July!!

Enjoy a happy and healthy holiday while being thankful for the rights and freedom that we enjoy.  Excercise one of those freedoms today and, well….excercise!  To celebrate, how about doing a swim/bike brick…or if you handle high temperatures well, you can bike/run.

I was dragged, I mean joined at the pool by total immersion swimmer Jason yesterday.  I really enjoy watching his technique and appreciate the amount of glide that he achieves.  It was a great reminder for me to tuck my chin in and keep my head low and hips up.

Given the hot temps and need to practice, it will be swim for me!  How about you?

New Day, New Attitude. Time to Focus!!

Pain be damned.  No more whining.  It is time to focus on the race.

The DC Tri (Sprint) has a few nuances which will make the event unique, challenging, and hopefully more enjoyable.  First, the distances:  800K swim, 20K bike, and 7.5K run.  While the bike and swim distances are pretty standard, the run is long.  Most sprints are 5K.  Shorter runs are generally preferred by us Clydesdales (Note:  I am racing AG and am within a couple of pounds of no longer qualifying for Clydesdale).  However, given the setting and the fact that I’m signed up for a 1/2 marathon later this year, I’m looking forward to this.

Second is the sheer magnitude of the event.  According to the DC Tri site, participants will include “more than 3000 triathletes from 433 cities, 43 states and 11 countries”.  This is huge!  For perspective, most local Triathlons draw about 300 people.  I can’t wait to see how big the transition area is going to be!  I am very thankful for an assigned space.

Third is the location.  Need I say more?

Moving to the event itself, the swim start will be unique.  While there are swim waves (I’m in wave 15), each wave will line up in the coral with 8 swimmers jumping in about every 10 seconds.  Time starts as soon as the swimmer crosses the start mat immediately prior to jumping in…No Diving.  I may have to practice a jump start!

I’m really looking forward to the bike!  The route looks awesome.  Even with 3 U-Turns and a few tight turns, it should be a very fast event.

Finally, the run.  There are 6 U-turns and every person I’ve spoken to has forewarned me that although you think DC is flat, there are some killer hills around Capitol Hill.  Hello, it is called “The Hill” for a reason!   I’ve also been told that you see the Finish a couple of times before you actually get there which can be a bit deflating.  I appreciate the warning as forewarned is forearmed (and I take it seriously, especially since my wife won her AG at this event last year).

I’ll be out there in a white Rudy Aero helmet (yes, I’ve decided to wear it) on my blue Felt as seen above in the header and wearing a Team TPR kit.

Courtesy of a 6 year-old Photographer - But you get the idea!

If you are not participating, come out and cheer on all the participants!  It will be a fun day!